UK Forecast - November 20, 2023
Mostly dry south
Showery rain in north

A mostly cloudy day is expected across Southern England, Wales and the Midlands although it should stay mostly dry. In contrast, a mostly bright start across southern and central Scotland, with cloud thickening once more across the west and some rain tracking eastwards across the far north later. During the afternoon a little showery rain will develop along the northeast coast of England and eastern Scotland. Temperatures should be around average for this time of year, 6C in northern Scotland, 11C in the far south.

Tuesday Night
Remaining mostly cloudy in the south keeping temperatures higher here, but staying mostly dry overnight. Some showery rain persists in the north and northeast, with clear spells inland and an overnight frost expected. Lows of 0C in rural Scotland, 9C in southern England.

A north versus south split persists as high pressure remains centred southwest of the UK, with some showery rain moving eastwards across Scotland during the day at times. Further south across England and Wales should stay mostly dry but plenty of cloudy retained with the odd brighter spell possible. Temperatures a little above average as some milder air moves across all areas, 6 to 11C north to south.

A large similar day to Wednesday, with plenty of cloud across the country and a little rain across the far north of Scotland, although mostly light and fragmented. Some chillier air arriving into Northwest Scotland as winds change northwesterly, with sunny spells during the afternoon but feeling cold in the breeze. Highs of 5C in the far northwest, 11C in southern England.

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Topics  [November 20, 2023]