UK Forecast - November 18, 2023
Heavy showers
Strong winds to south

Low pressure over Scotland on Sunday. Heavy showers, some thundery and windy across southern areas too. The showers could merge to longer spells of rain at times in the morning. The afternoon should see fewer showers in central and southern England and Wales, but further heavy showers in northern England and western Scotland. The best sunny spells in eastern and southeastern Scotland. Highs at 9 to 12C.

Sunday Night
Showers and longer spells of rain in western and southern Scotland. More rain and showers in northern England with heavier showers and rain in western Ireland. Scattered showers and windy in the south, drier in the east and souith of Scotland. Lows at 3 to 6C.


Low pressure to the east on Monday with high pressure to the west. A northwest flow bringing showers, some of them heavy in northern England and Scotland. Showers being more scattered over Northern Ireland, fair to the south and brighter. Showers pushing south through the afternoon and some will be heavy. Fewer showers in the east and brighter too here. Highs at 8 to 11C.

High pressure to the west of Ireland on Tuesday. A weak warm front moving east through Scotland bringing plenty of cloud here, some drizzle over northern and northwestern areas as well as western coasts of Scotland. Misty here too. Some cloud for western coasts and hills of Wales and England. Eastern and southern England should be brighter and mostly dry, just an occasional shower over the far southeast and across the far southwest. Highs at 9 to 12C.

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Topics  [November 18, 2023]