UK Forecast - November 11, 2023
Wet and chilly south
Drier north

Outbreaks of rain affecting Ireland, Wales and much of central and southern England this morning, fog shrouding hills and misty too. Drier for most of northern and eastern England and Scotland with the best sunshine in northern Scotland after a morning frost. A risk of a few showers in eastern Scotland. The rain drifts east and north through the afternoon reaching northern England later, although by then the rain will be very patchy. Feeling cold through central and northern areas in the rain. Staying damp through Wales and southern England into the afternoon with some drizzle or showers at times. Highs at 7 to 10C.

Sunday Night
Rain fades from northern and eastern areas at first tonight. Then cloudy and dry for a time ahead of heavier and more persistent rain arriving from the southwest through the early hours. Becoming wet in Ireland, Wales, central and southern England. A risk of flooding in these areas by the morning. Lows at 3C in central Scotland, 10C in southwest England.

Low pressure bringing rain to much of eastern and southern Scotland as well as parts of northern England on Monday. Rain could be heavy at times in eastern Scotland bringing a risk of flooding. Heavy showers following to western and southern areas. Drier elsewhere with the cloud breaking and a few bright spells developing, although anywhere seeing a risk of a shower. Fairly breezy too. Low cloud may affect western and southern coasts. Highs at a chilly 6C in central and southern Scotland, 14C in southern England.

Heavy and thundery showers on Tuesday in a southwesterly airflow. Most of the showers in western and southern areas with a risk of hail and thunder. Showers in eastern areas at first although these tending to ease during the day. Remaining showers in the west. More persistent showers and rain affecting Scotland, although these easing and becoming brighter in eastern areas later. Highs at 8C in northern Scotland, more widely 10 to 13C.

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Topics  [November 11, 2023]