UK Forecast - November 21, 2023
Rain & drizzle Scotland
Better in south

Cloudier skies through northern England and Scotland this morning. Rain for the north of Scotland with drizzle affecting the west. Brighter and drier in more central and southern areas. Windy in northern Scotland too. This afternoon sees brighter weather to the south. Drizzly rain for northern England and Scotland with more persistent rain in the far north of Scotland. Windy in Scotland as well. Highs at 9 to 12C.

Wednesday Night
Windy in Scotland with outbreaks of rain through the night, most of it in northern Scotland, Some outbreaks of rain in western Scotland too but drier in the east. There could also be a few showers in the northwest. Drier to the south with clearer skies. Lows at 5 to 8C.

A cold front passing south through Scotland and northern England bringing some rain here. Showers follow to the north but also colder temperatures. The showers turning to sleet over the hills of northern Scotland where it will be breezy too. Brighter overall in central and southern England and Wales with sunny spells. Highs at 7C in northern Scotland, 12C in southern England.

Low pressure to the east on Friday. Higher pressure to the west. This brings about a north to northwest flow and colder conditions in all areas. Showers for western, northern and eastern Scotland with some showers along eastern coasts of England too. The showers falling as snow over the hills of Scotland. Sunnier to the west and south but still feeling cold in the wind. Highs at 4C in northern Scotland, 8C in southern England.

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Topics  [November 21, 2023]