UK Forecast - October 31, 2023
Rain and showers fading
Severe gales overnight

A wet start to Wednesday morning through central and southern Scotland as well as northern England. Further rain, although more showery, will be passing east through England and Wales. Drier in northern Scotland with plenty of cloud. Breezy for all. Further showers affecting much of England and Wales through this morning, especially the west, some sunny spells developing in Ireland. This afternoon has a tendency to become brighter for England and Wales. More rain in northern Scotland, some of it heavy. Scattered showers over western Wales with more persistent rain into southwest England by this evening. Highs at 14C oin East Anglia, but cooler air to the north and west with highs near 7 to 11C.

Wednesday Night
Heavy rain and severe gales affecting England and Wales tonight. Gusts of 70 to 80mph may affect some southern and western coastal areas which is strong enough to lead to some damage to trees and buildings. A risk of flooding too across central and southern England and Wales. Drier in the far north of England although winds increasing here. Some rain or showers in northwest Scotland otherwise drier with some clear skeis. Rain in eastern Ireland but dry and cloudy north and west. Lows at 4C in Scotland, 11C in southern England.

Storm Ciaran will be crossing England on Thursday bringing an unsettled day to all. Severe gales with 70 to 80mph gusts around western and southern coasts, 50 to 60mph on eastern coasts. Some heavy rain and blustery showers, a risk of thunder too. Rain in eastern Scotland but drier north and west with sunshine for northwest Scotland. Rain clears eastern Ireland and then the day improving here too. Local flooding is possible in England and Wales and there is a risk of damage to trees and buildings where the strongest gusts occur. Highs at 7C in northern Scotland, 11C in central England.

Low pressure dominates again on Friday as the remnants of Storm Ciaran fade east of the British Isles. Rain over eastern Scotland, some of it heavy. Some heavy showers over western parts of Wales and England as well as Northern Ireland. A few showers could also trouble southwest England. Otherwise a bright day with sunny spells for many and feeling cool in the wind. Highs at 9 to 12C.

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Topics  [October 31, 2023]