UK Forecast - November 10, 2023
Dry and sunny
Rain for SW later.

A dry and generally sunny start to the day and continuing sunny through the morning though with variable amounts of cloud. Temperatures 1 to 3degC over Scotland with air and ground frost to mid-morning. Remainder of England and Wales 1 to 3degC at first rising 8 to 9degC by midday. Winds generally light and variable. Remaining dry and sunny through the afternoon with variable cloud and sunny spells temperatures 5 to 6degC in Scotland, 10degC in SE England. Cloud increasing later during the afternoon for southwest England, Northern Ireland and Wales, later into the midlands. Temperatures 8 to 9degC. For Northeast and Eastern England dry with mainly clear skies and temperatures 5 to 6degC falling to 1 to 3degC overnight with ground frost. Winds light/variable to calm.

Saturday Night
Dry with clear skies for most of Scotland, N.Ireland and England, winds light and variable. A widespread ground frost with slight air frost for Scotland temperartures -2 to +1 overnight. For England and Wales dry with clear skies until early Sunday with a ground frost for most of Northern England, temperatures 1-3degC. Wales, Southwest, Central and Southern England a ground frost with air temperatures between 1-3degC during the early night. Temperatures here will steady generally and begin to rise in Wales adnd Southwest England as cloud tends to increase and wind freshen from the southwest early Sunday.

Dry, sunny with early frost in Scotland and Northern England. Temperatures -1 at first rising to 4degC late morning. Dry and sunny here. Cloudy for remainder of England and Wales though mainly dry in central and eastern England temperatures 6degC during the afternoon. Cloudy with outbreaks of rain for south Wales and southwest England through the morning as an area of low pressure moves east along England Channel. Staying dry though generally cloudy for remiander of England and Wales. Temperatures 10degC for southern England 6-8degC elsewhere during afternoon remaining steady during the evening.

A cloudy start for all regions on Monday, with outbreaks of rain over southwest England, Wales and Northwest England, western Scotland and Northern Ireland with a freshening SW wind once rain becgins to clear eastwards. Northeast England and into Scotland after a dry but cloudy start rain will become prolonged and often heavy through the later morning with a fresh E/SE wind. Temperatures 5 to 7degC

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Topics  [November 10, 2023]