UK Forecast - November 17, 2023
Rain for southwest
Sunshine and showers to follow

A cloudy morning across Cornwall to Hampshire, Dyfed and Glamorgan to Wiltshire to Worcestershire with outbreaks of heavy rain. This area of rain will move north and eastwards through the afternoon, though rain will be slow to clear from Norfolk to Kent. Wales and northwest England will have scatterd showers with sunny spells during the afternoon. Temperatures 10C to 13C for England and Wales with a fresh gusting strong Southwest wind. For Northern Ireland and all of Scotland a mainly cloudy day with outbreaks of rain, cool and windy here, temperatures 5 to 7C with light and variable winds though fresher along windward coasts.

Saturday Night
Cloud and rain clearing most of England and Wales during the evening to give a dry though with patchy cloud. Temperatures 8 to 10C with a moderate southwest wind. A slowly deepening depression will track across western, then eastern Scotland giving outbreaks of rain through the night. Temperatures 6C with variable winds.

Pressure falls generally across all of England and Wales as centre of depression transfers to eastern Scotland. A day of sunshine and showers, frequent and often prolonged for most western areas, more scattered through the midlands and eastern England. Southern England staying mainly dry and sunny. Temperatures 10C in England, Wales and northern Ireland, 8C for Scotland.

A mix of sunshine and showers for most of England and Wales. Showers most frequent and often prolonged for western Scotland,Antrim and Derry coasts, through the Irish Sea to Wales, Devon and Cornwall with a fresh northwst wind. Some showers, though more scattered for Highland, Moray Firth to Yorkshire east coasts. Temperatures 10C for midland and southern England 8C for Scotland

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Topics  [November 17, 2023]