UK Forecast - December 06, 2023
Rain in west
Cooler, drier east

A damp and breezy morning for all with cloud shrouding hills and coasts. During this morning more persistent rain will be crossing Ireland, reaching western areas of the UK. The rain becomes heavy into this afternoon, thundery too. Gusts in excess of 50mph in northern and western areas. Drier in the far southeast of England although winds increasing and cloudy here. By evening drier weather reaches western England and Wales with strong winds. Turning drier in Ireland too. Highs at 5 to 8C for many, up to 11C in southwest England, western Wales and Ireland.

Thursday Night
The heavier rain passes east through the first part of tonight, taking the strongest winds with it. Heavy showers following into the west of the UK and particularly Ireland and western Wales where they could be thundery. Drier for other areas with broken cloud. Lows at 4 to 7C.

Low pressure close to Northern Ireland on Friday. Heavy showers or longer spells of rain and strong winds in western Scotland, northwest England, Wales and parts of southwest England as well as much of Ireland. Showers could be prolonged and thundery at times. The heavy showers slipping through the rest of northern England and southern Scotland in the afternoon. Drier in East Anglia as well as parts of southern England. Gales may develop through much of Wales and England in the afternoon. Highs at 7 to 11C.

Fronts passing east during Saturday morning. This brings rain and strong winds to many areas, some of the rain being heavy. The rain quickly clearing east in the morning although persisting through the day in central and northern Scotland. Heavy showers follows to western Scotland, Wales and western England as well as much of central and western Ireland. Gales in England, Wales and Ireland too. Highs at 8C in northern Scotland, 13C in southeast England.

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Topics  [December 06, 2023]