UK Forecast - December 10, 2023
Drier for many Monday
More rain into Tuesday

Some dregs of previous precipitation linger on Monday, with patchy light rain and drizzle across north Wales and parts of northwest England, but this will fade out as the day progresses. Drizzly rain in southwest England. Persistent rain and drizzle across western Ireland. Snow on high ground in Scotland. Leftover cloud for much of the British Isles, with a few breaks in the afternoon. The best of sunshine in southern counties. A blustery start across southeastern regions in the morning, but breezier later in the day. Light winds further north. Highs of 5C in the north, and 10C in the south.

Monday night
Heavier rain moving in from the west across Ireland, also bringing blustery winds. Also wetter across Wales, and west and central England, and feeling breezy. Drier in the east, and some residual pockets of drizzle in Scotland and southeastern regions. Lows of 3C in the north, and 5C in the south.

An unsettled and wet day on Tuesday, with overcast skies and rain across the British Isles. One or two heavier bursts in Wales and southwestern England. Patchy rain and drizzle in central regions. The risk of some hail and thunder in some coastal areas. Persistent rain and windy in central and southern Scotland, falling as snow in the Highlands. Highs of 4C in the north, and feeling slightly milder, at 12C in the south.

Low pressure over the near continent pulls in a chilly northeasterly wind over England and Wales. Areas of showery rain, most frequent in eastern counties, running into central and southern areas. A few showers too for north Wales and the far southwest. A ridge of high pressure over Scotland and Ireland brings mainly dry weather with some sunny breaks. Feeling cool, highs 4 to 8C.

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Topics  [December 10, 2023]