UK Forecast - April 01, 2024
Rain south & north
Drier in-between

Plenty of cloud for many areas this morning. Outbreaks of rain in northern and eastern Scotland. Another areas of rain into southwest England by midday. Elsewhere a few breaks here and there in the cloud allowing for one or two bright spells, best in the east. This afternoon sees the rain extend north through Ireland, Wales, central and southern England with plenty of cloud shrouding hills and coasts. Breezy too in the south. More rain to come for much of central., northern and eastern Scotland, although southern Scotland, northern England and Northern Ireland will be drier and mostly cloudy. Tops of a cold 5 to 7C in Scotland, 10 to 14C elsewhere.

Tuesday Night
A wet night to come for many areas rain heads north through most areas. Probably turning a little drier in central and southern regions through the early hours but even here there will be showers. Perhaps drier too in northwest Scotland. Snow over the mountains of central Scotland. Heavy, thundery showers affecting western areas of Wales and southwest England. Lows at 5 to 10C.

Rain on Wednesday morning through much of Northern Ireland, northern England and Scotland. The rain heaviest in northwest England, southern and easter Scotland, slowly easing north. Drier in southern England and Wales although showers over southern and western areas. Further rain in the northern half of Ireland, brighter and drier in the south. This afternoon tends to become brigher and drier for northern England, although staying wet in central and eastern Scotland. More rain arriving in southern Ireland, south Wales and southwest England later. Highs at a cold 5 to 7C for much of northern England, Wales and Northern Ireland, a milder 10 to 15C in the rest of England and Ireland.

Another unsettled and cold day with low pressure southwest of Ireland. Thi pushes fronts northeast through Ireland, England and Wales bringing spells of rain with them. and plenty of cloud too. Breezy in southern areas of the country. Further rain in northern and eastern Scotland. Plenty of cloud and initially drier in northern England and Northern Ireland but outbreaks of rain arriving here as the rain becomes heavier again in the south by evening. Gales in southern areas later. A cold day with highs at 5 to 7C but 12C in the far south of England.

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Topics  [April 01, 2024]