UK Forecast - April 02, 2024
Remaining unsetteld, snow for Scotland
Sunshine and showers

Wednesday 03 April
Cloudy with outbreask of rain to start and then continuing through the morning for Kent to Yorkshire, Cheshire to Lancashire, Cumbria into Dumfries, Cwynedd to Antrim and remaining areas of western Scotland with rain heavy for a time mid-morning temperatures 4 to 6C with a fresh Easterly wind. For central and south Wales, Devon and Cornwall into the midlands a dry and sunny start though with likely scattered showers across Wiltshire to Oxfordshire with showers developing into the afternoon across Cheshire to Borders, temperatures 10C mid-morning 12 to 14C through the afternoon.

Wednesday night
Remaining cloudy across Scotland during the evening with rain persisting Highland to Tayside, though easing through Borders and later in Antrim. Showers continuing into the evening from Cumbria to Dumfries and scattered showers Devon and Cornwall. For the remainder of England and Wales generally dry through the evening with sunshine. Rain will continue across Scotland overnight though becoming patchy and mostly along eastern coasts. Becoming cloudy with outbreaks of rain overnight Devon and Cornwall to Kent temperatures 5 to 7C.

Thursday 04 April
A cloudy start for many, rain to start across Fife to Highland will ease and move away to the NOrthern Isles though remaining cloudy during the morning with further scattered showers likely. Temperatures 5 to 7C. Cloudy to start with rain for many in England and Wales from Dyfed across midlands to Lincolnshire heavy mid-morning Hertfordshire, Buckingham to Norfolk, rain will steaily ease across Wiltshire to Oxforshire through the morning, later becoming drier towards Cambridgeshire, though maybe slow to clear Kent to Suffolk. Temperaures 8 to 10C with a freshening SW wind. Scattered showers for Highland to Skye during the afternoon and into the evening, with clearing skies following overnight with patchy ground and air forst. Generally cloudy evening across Wales and England though mainly dry for a time, further rain will become widespread from the southwest into midlands overnight with temperature around 10C.

Friday 05 April
A cloudy day for most of England and Wales with rain prolonged through the morning from Devon across all of Wales into Cumbria, across midlands to Yorkshire and although dry for a time later morning, further rain will occur into the afternoon with likely period of heavy squally showers. With sunshine through the afternoon temperatures will rise quickly once rain eases and cloud breaks 12 to 14C generally near 16C Linclolnshire to Yorkshire. Remainng cloudy into the afternoon across central Scotland with rain heavy for Aryshire across to Fife, snow will occur with height. Temperatures 4C near coasts 1C inland with height.