UK Forecast - April 05, 2024
Remaining unsetteld, stormy for Scotland
Sunshine and showers

Saturday06 April
Cloudy with rain across Scotland being prolonged and heavy for a time through the morning across Western Isles, Highland to Shetland moving away northwards through the morning. Further rain and showers will follow from the southwest into Ayrshire, Galloway to Borders. temperatures 8 to 10C generally likely 12C for Moray to Borders with a fresh Sw wind. Gales across Western Isles. Cloudy through the morning across Antrim, to Cumbria across to Yorkshire with further outbreak of rain though easing later in the morning. Remaing generally cloudy across Antrim, into Wales, later Cornwall to Hampshire, into the midlands to Cumbria during the afternoon with showers and later a longer spell of rain temperatures 12 to 14C during the afternoon. Sunshine and scattered showers across Yorkshire to Kent during the afternoon with temperatures 16C across Norfolk. Becoming windy with fresh SW wind

Saturday night
Evening rain and showers will clear away eastwards to give a mainly dry night, 8 to 10C. Clou though will increase into western locations with outbreaks of rain for Wales across Cumbria and southern Scotland.


Sunday 07 April
A cloudy start across Cornwall and Devon, all of Wales into Lancashire to Dumfries with a mix of rain heavy Argyll into Higland to Fife and Borders and showers into Hamphire. The remainder of the morning a mix of sunshine and showers for all of England and Wales though Bedforshire to Kent may well remain dry with any showers well scattered. Temperatures 8 to 10C for Scotland, 12 to 14 generally with a fresh SW wind. Gales continuing across Western Isles. Rain and showers contining for a time overnight for Western Isles and Highland.

Monday 08 April
Cloudy to start for Cornwall and Devon, later Wales and northwards across Antrim to Western Isles. Else a day of sunshine and frequent blustery often heavy showers, 11C for Scotland, 12 to 14 generally locaaly 16 with sunshine across Lincolnshire, Bedfordshire, Cambrdigeshire to Kent. Remaining windy.