UK Forecast - April 07, 2024
More rain
Mild Monday, cool Tuesday

Low pressure to the southwest pushes rain and drizzle across Wales and northern England, gradually southern Scotland. Clusters of heavy and thundery showers developing from the southwest into central England by afternoon. Eastern England mostly dry until later in the day. Much of northern Scotland also dry, local showers northwest. Prolonged heavy rain for south and eastern Ireland, pushing into Northern Ireland too. Variable winds, strongest southwest. Highs 11 to 16C.

Monday night
A broad sweep of heavy rain extends from the southwest, across Wales, northern England and into southern Scotland. Rain gradually easing for eastern Ireland, showery in the west of Ireland and Scotland. Drier for central and southeastern England, but some thundery bursts of rain move across southern England. Windy in the south and southwest, risk of gales. Lows 4 to 8C.

Low pressure and a frontal system rotating slowly eastwards brings a wet day especially in the north, heaviest rain becoming focused on the northeast. Showery conditions spreading across central England. Driest toward the far south and southeast. Brisk west to northwesterly winds. Becoming drier into the evening and night as pressure builds briefly. A cool day, highs 7 to 12C.

A ridge of high pressure moves away eastwards as fronts come back in from the Atlantic. A dry start for eastern counties gives way to thickening cloud. Rain already into western areas in the morning becomes more widespread, but small amounts reach the southeast. Most persistent heaviest rain for western Scotland, northwest England and western Ireland. Showers follow later. Breezy. Highs 10 to 15C.

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Topics  [April 07, 2024]