UK Forecast - April 09, 2024
Cloudy widespread rain windy
dry sunny and becoming warm

Wednesday 10 April
Cloudy with rain across Derry and Antrim, fringing into Dyfed to Cumbria to start, rain later transferring into western Isles adn Highland during the morning. Remainder of Scotland through to Yorkshire a dry fine start with patch air and widespread ground frost clearing quickly with sunshine through the morning. A sunny start for Linclolnshire to Kent. Starting dry though cloud quickly increasing during the morning Dorset to Shropshire across to Bedfordshire during the morning with outbreask of rain into the afternoon, 6 to 8C where cloud and rain persists through briefly 12C into the afternoon across many eastern counties. Rain during the evening becoming confied to western Scotland, remainder of England and Wales though cloudy will remain dry and continuing dry overnight rain aslo clearing Northern Isles

Wednesday night
Rain during the evening becoming confied to western Scotland, remainder of England and Wales though cloudy will remain dry and continuing dry overnight rain aslo clearing Northern Isles, cloudy elsewhere 8 to 10C


Thursday 11 April
Cloudy start for all though with patchy coastal drizzle for Western Isles running on to Highland, generally clearing into the morning. A generally cloudy day for most with a fresh SW wind, dry with some sunshine and becoming warm in to the afternoon with shelter from SW wind and lee of higher ground, 15 to 17C Wlitshire to Cheshire, Yorkshire to Norfolk through to Kent, 13-15C Stirling across Kinloss to Moray. Sunshine into the evening with cloud cover decreasing to give a dry night 8 to 10C generally.

Friday 12 April
Cloudy to start across Clwyd to Northumberland, Western Isles to Northern Isles with outbreaks of rain. Remainder of England and Wales a dry sunny start to the morning remaining dry with variable cloud and sunshine into the afternoon becoming warm 16 to 18C. Staying cloudy with patchy rain across western Scotland clearing into the afternoon