UK Forecast - April 03, 2024
Periods of rain and strong winds.
Rain heavy in places, mild in south.

A wet start to the day over southern England with some heavy outbreaks clearing by midday. Elsewhere the morning will be rather cloudy with a few showers, mostly over Ireland and western Scotland. Through the afternoon expect thick cloud, heavy rain and strong winds to arrive over southern counties of Ireland and southwest England gradually pushing north. Best of the drier and brighter weather over eastern Scotland. Light winds, becoming strong from the south later. Temperatures in the afternoon rising to 8C in north and 15C.

Thursday Night
A cloudy evening and night with rain, this being heavy in places. Over Scotland expect heavy snow over the mountains, but possibly some wet snow even down to low levels over the eastern counties. Rain will gradually clear from the south, with some showers following. Strong winds with gales in exposure and over high ground. Minimum temperatures at 1C over Scotland but much milder over the south with minimums of 12C.

The day starts with heavy rain and snow for Scotland, even down to low level as well as some heavy rain for southern England. Through the day expect more rain, this time more focused over western Scotland, northern and western parts of Ireland. Elsewhere it will be drier and possibly brighter. More rain and strong winds to come in the evening from the southwest. A windy day with gales in exposure with maximum temperatures at 4C over Scotland, but 12-14C elsewhere.

Another cloudy day along with heavy rain in places and strong winds with gales in exposure. Becoming drier and brighter in the afternoon over the southeast, but frequent heavy showers elsewhere. Temperatures in the afternoon at 10C in north, and 16C in south.