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High Seas Warning July 09 2017 - 06:01:07 UTC

- September 26 2024 - 00:30:39 UTC

Sea regions: METAREA I

The North Atlantic Ocean east of 35°W, from 48°27'N to 71°N including the North Sea and Baltic Sea sub-area

Metarea map

Metarea I

Sea regions: METAREA VII

The South Atlantic and Southern Oceans south of 6°S from 20°W to the coast of Africa, thence south to the Cape of Good Hope; the South Indian and Southern Oceans south of 10°30'S from the Cape to 55°E, thence south of 30°S to 80°E

Metarea map

Metarea VII

Sea regions: METAREA VIII_S

The east African coast from the equator south to 10°30'S, thence to 55°E, to 30°S, to 95°E, to the equator, to the east African coast

Metarea map

Metarea VIII_S

Sea regions: METAREA VIII_N

The area of the Indian Ocean enclosed by lines from the Indo-Pakistan frontier in 23°45'N 68°E to 12°N 63°E, thence to Cape Gardafui; the east African coast south to the equator, thence to 95°E, to 6°N, thence NE_wards to the Myanmar/Thailand frontier in 10N 98°30'E

Metarea map

Metarea VIII_N

Sea regions: METAREA III

The Mediterranean and Black Seas, east of the Straits of Gibraltar

Metarea map

Metarea III

Sea regions: METAREA IX

The Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf, north of Area VIII

Metarea map

Metarea IX