Week ahead - August 10, 2016
Becoming hotter
Thundery later

Issued: 0800 Wednesday 10th August 2016
Duty forecaster: Simon Keeling

Becoming hotter through the weekend and into next week ahead of a thundery breakdown

A hot spell of weather developing during this weekend and into the early stages of next week. There is a risk of some heavy rain in western Scotland over the next couple of days, this fading with all areas then dry. Hints of a breakdown into the middle stages of next week, turning thundery at first in the west, with the cooler, thundery weather then edging east by the end of the forecast period.

For the weather for the next few days click here

Saturday 13/8/16
A weak front lying through southern Ireland, Wales and the Midlands on Saturday as high pressure builds into Ireland. Plenty of cloud running along the line of the front, producing a few spots of rain on hills and coasts. The cloud is likely to be breaking inland as the day progresses allowing a few bright or sunny spells to come through. Brighter of the far south of England with warm spells of sunshine. Mostly fair to across northern England, Ireland and Scotland with good periods of sunshine. Highs at 17 to 26C.

Sunday 14/8/16
High pressure is expected to be centred over the country on Sunday. This should bring a fair day for many, although there could be a fair amount of cloud around in the morning for many. Sunny periods developing and feeling warm as well. Some low cloud and rain may affect central and southern Ireland, as well as the west and north of Wales and northwest England. Highs at 17 to 28C.

Monday 15/8/16
High pressure is expected to be to the east on Monday with lower pressure to the west. The day is likely to be dry for most with good spells of sunshine. It may become hot in many areas. Highs at 22 to 30C.


Tuesday 16/8/16
Low pressure remains to the west on Tuesday, higher pressure to the east. It will be hot for some, especially in central and eastern areas. There is an increasing risk of some thunderstorms breaking out in the west in the afternoon, with more persistent rain reaching Ireland. Highs at 23 to 31C.

Wednesday 17/8/16
A more unsettled day is likely as low pressure passes through Ireland bringing cloud and periods of rain. This rain may also affect Scotland and much of Wales and western England. Probably drier east and south. Turning cooler in the west at 20 to 22C, but hot in the east with tops near 30C.

Thursday 18/8/16
Turning cooler for all as a front passes east on Thursday. This takes a band of rain with it, although turning brighter and drier once again from the west later. Highs at 19 to 22C.

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Week Ahead
General Remarks
Th, 11.08. various clouds, rain 17° - 24° 90%
Fr, 12.08. various clouds 17° - 27° 85%
Sa, 13.08. cloudy 17° - 26° 80%
So, 14.08. various clouds 17° - 28° 75%
Mo, 15.08. various clouds 22° - 30° 70%
Tu, 16.08. various clouds 23° - 31° 65%
We, 17.08. various clouds, heavy showers and thunderstorms 20° - 30° 65%
Th, 18.08. various clouds, rain 19° - 22° 60%
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Topics  [August 10, 2016]