Thursday Cloudy to start for Highland, Arygll to Moray including Western and Northern Isles with showers frequent and often heavy and prolonged remaining cool 8 to 10C Showers later running across Antrim. Cloudy with a mix of showers though scattered and sunshine for Lancashire to Cumbria, into Clwydd to Powys, later Yorkshire to Humberside and Norfolk 12 to 14C, sunshine and mainly dry for Somerset, Midlands to Cornwall trhough to Kent 14 to 16C
Thursday Night Showers continuing into the evening though slowly easing overnight except along and near coast for western Scotland. Eslewhere a mainly dry evening with sunshine, and remaining dry overnight with variable cloud temperatires dipping to 5C.
Friday Cloudy with prolonged rain into Western Isles and Highland to start later across Kinloss to Fife and Borders, and friniging into Antrim. England and Wales sunshine and scattered showers through Powys to Somerset, across to Lincolnshire later into Kent. Cool across Scotland, 14 generally for midlands to 18 locally Kent and Sussex
Saturday Cloudy showers continuing across most of Scotland and running into northern England, most dry with sunshine 14 to 16C generally