Morning Call - December 23, 2024
Rain with passing front
Murky, drizzle after

Issued: 0530hrs Monday 23rd December 2024
Duty forecaster: Dan Graves

A front pushes drizzly rain west-to-east through the day, leaving clouds in its wake.

Good morning,

High pressure overnight allowed slight frosts in the coolest places, but they wont last long. A fair morning for England, Wales, and Scotland. A front soon approaches western Scotland and Ireland brining rain and low clouds. Though the day, the rain and clouds will spread east and most areas have a chance of drizzly rain. The Atlantic air behind the front will keep things cloudy and murky with patches of drizzle.

Overnight, western areas remain drizzly with the push of Atlantic air, elsewhere mostly dry. Western Scotland will see more regular and recurrent showers through the night.

Today's top temperatures are 5 or 6C for most, though Ireland reaches 11C. Temperatures will drop very little, if at all, though the night.

Enjoy the day.

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Topics  [December 23, 2024]