Month ahead - November 25, 2024
Valid from 01/12 to 28/12 2024
Valid from 01/12 to 28/12 2024

Issued: Tuesday 26th November 2024
Duty forecaster: Simon Keeling

Unsettled and wet start with heavy rain and cold, tending to turn colder later

Plenty of dry weather around in the coming month nas higher pressure builds. However, some break down to more mixed weather middle of December with some rain or showers in northern Scotland.

*1/12/24 - 7/12/24*
High pressure east, low pressure west.
Dry in the east and chilly, milder, wetter west.
Little change through the week.

*8/12/24 - 14/12/24*
Starting dry, cooler east and milder west.
Turning more mixed.
Most rain west.

*15/12/24 - 21/12/24*
Back to drier weather in Ireland and much of England and Wales.
Wetter northern and western Scotland.
Average temperatures but some cool days.

*22/12/24 - 31/12/24*
Drier to south, some rain northern Scotland.
Rather cloudy.
Feeling cool.


Simon Keeling
Email me at [email protected]

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Topics  [December 18, 2024]