Europe forecast - December 18, 2024
Windy northern Europe
Drier southern Europe

Issued: 0530hrs Wednesday 18th December 2024
Duty forecaster: Simon Keeling

Windy and wet northern Europe, drier in the south

Alternating sun and clouds in Spain and Portugal, with a showery northwest. Shower intensity increase towards the evening. Drier with varied cloud across the Mediterranean into Italy, drizzle possible on west facing coastlines. Cloud cover in the Balkans, though breaking later in the day. Greece and Turkey remaining mostly sunny.
Westerly winds increase across most of Europe north of the Alps. Drizzly showers from northern France across the Low Countries and Germany into Poland. Mostly cloudy with occasional bright spells here. Western France and southern Britain to see heavier rain into the evening. Morning clouds gradually break in Hungary and Romania.
Windy from the British Isles across the North Sea towards Scandinavia. Rain much of the day in Denmark and Southern Norway and Sweden, snow further north. These rains approach the Baltics and Finland in the afternoon, falling as snow from Estonia to the north.

A chilly day with heavy showers across northern and eastern areas of Spain. Drier with sunny spells for Portugal and southern Spain. Cool for the Balearics with sunny spells. Scattered showers over Corsica and Sardinia. Heavy showers in northern Italy. Fair across central and southern areas of Italy with sunny spells and scattered showers. Greece and Turkey will be dry with good spells of sunshine.
Windy and cold in France with some heavy rain in the east and south. Heavy showers for northern and western France although some sunny spells too. Windy and cold for the Netherlands with further showers here. More rain, some heavy in much of Germany and cold weather here. Breezy in Poland with some rain and showers in northern and western Poland. Hungary should be dry, heavy showers and rain for Austria and Switzerland.
Windy and bright in Denmark. Windy and wet for Denmark as rain turns to snow. Windy for Denmark too with further showers. Windy and bright in southern Sweden. Windy with heavy showers and snow in western and northern Norway.