Europe forecast - December 12, 2024
Showery Mediterranean
Dry continent, some sun

Issued: 0530hrs Thursday 12th December 2024
Duty forecaster: Dan Graves

Showers in the Mediterranean between Spain and Italy, some heavy. Plentiful sun in many places Friday. Snow on Norwegian coast, some pushing towards Finland.

Heavy bursts of showery rain affecting eastern and southern Spanish coasts. Brighter in central Spain and Portugal. Rain in the Balearics and Sardinia and Corsica, some of it heavy. Bright for Italy with sunny spells in most places though a few showers will skim the west and east Mediterranean coasts. The Adriatic coastlines of Balkan States and Greece will be dry and bright with good spells of sunshine. Fair in Turkey too.
Fair and dry for France with sunny periods towards the south, some prolonged. More cloudy but dry weather in the Low Countries and Germany with sunny spells. Staying dry in Poland, again with sunshine. Hungary and Austria as well as Switzerland will be dry and bright with some sunny spells. Further east and south, brief bouts of snow and showers, though none will be long-lasting. Bright and sun spells are possible.
Denmark will be dry with sunny spells. Breezy and cold in the Baltic States and Finland with a few snow showers. Sweden will be cold and dry with good sun in the south, some stretching into Norway. Western Norway mostly cloudy with snow showers possible on the coast.

Bursts of heavy showery rain along Portugal's west coast. Otherwise fine and sunny in Iberia with occasional showers. Heavier showers along the French and Italian Mediterranean coasts, reaching inland. Plentiful sun in the Balkans and Greece with isolated light showers.
Northern Continental Europe will see plentiful sun for much of the day. More clouds possible in Poland southward through Croatia. Further east, breezy and cold with sun in and out. Some morning sun over the Baltics quickly gives way to cloud, snow possible to the north.
Clouds arrive over most of Scandinavia. Norway's west coast will see plentiful snow and rain. Denmark and Southern Sweden warmer than the rest of Scandinavia, but mostly cloudy with few sun breaks. Snow passes across north-central Sweden into southern Finland.

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Topics  [December 12, 2024]