
South America

Temperatures and Precipitation
Climate diagrams for more than 5000 stations worldwide
In this category you can have a look on the multiple different climates of far more than 5000 stations worldwide. The climate of every location on the Earth's surface is controlled mainly by the amount of the received solar radiation.

The distribution of this incoming heat is extremely variable and is a function of latitude. However, atmosphere and oceans are storing and transporting this heat, thus levelling the extreme differences.

Continents and mountain ranges are obstacles for both, the oceanic and atmospheric heat exchange system. They channel, block and redirect currents and winds, thus creating a large number of different regional climates. For example, even if two locations share the same latitude, their climates can be extremely different.

The annual temperature curve of a location will instantly tell you whether this station is situated in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere. Whether it is a tropical station without seasons or if the annual temperature curve has a significant amplitude, which is typical for the higher latitudes of both hemispheres. WeatherOnline provides you with fascinating climate diagrams for more than 5000 stations worldwide. Just select and click them from the lists.

Have a look at the climate diagram of Düsseldorf It displays annual maximum and minimum temperatures, the average hours of daily sunshine and the average number of rain days per month. The distinct amplitudes in every parameter are typical for Europe and the temperate northern latitudes.
No annual amplitudes and a high number of monthly rain days without any sign for seasonal climate are typical for tropical stations. However, seasonality in rainfall will increase with the increasing distance of a station from the equator. Martinique (Lesser Antilles) is a good example for a tropical station that lies close to the equator.
Sydney is a good example for Southern Hemisphere station. Summer is around christmas and August is one of the coldest months of the year. Unfortunately there is only insufficient precipitation data available for most of the Australian staions.
